Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Real Cupid or Cupid(s):

       To celebrate Valentines' Day I thought I'd read up on who the real St. Valentine was. Apparently not that much is known for certain about these martyrs.
St. Valentine Kneeling, by: David Teniers (III) (1638–1685)

       I can remember in grade school how we would exchange valentines and candy. I can clearly remember those heart candies with the words on them. The ones that were pastel colored and tasted like Pepto Bismol. I went to Catholic school and yet I had no idea who St. Valentine was nor did I give it much thought. Apparently, there are several martyrs named St. Valentine in the early church and today is their feast. Ever notice how many times the apostrophe in Valentines' Day is after the "s"? Well this is probably why. How it evolved from a feast day of several martyrs to a day of artificially flavored candy, and romance is a long story and it still doesn't make much sense. It's all good though. Reading about these saints can provide a deeper and more inclusive meaning to this day. It can also be a comfort to those who feel left out today because they are single. BTW for those who do feel that way just remember that most of the world doesn't celebrate Valentines' Day. Even many happy, loving couples don't. This is a day mainly recognized in the culturally Christian West anyway most of the world is not cuddling up by the fireplace eating dark chocolate and listening to Lionel Ritchie (or some sort of elevator music).

For more information read:
and Catholic Encyclopedia:


  1. Len, you find a way to ruin every romantic notion for me LOL :) Happy Valentine's Day. Wishing you the most Romantic, happy valentine's day, going to listen to some nice elevator music.

  2. You're welcome, my pleasure... Always remember: "The truth shall set you free." Happy Valentines Day!
