Friday, January 13, 2012

Something that might NOT cause Autism:

       In no way would I ever imply that smoking is anything but bad and in no way does the article I am linking to here imply that either (Nor is my posting any link indicative of whether I accept it as Gospel truth. I'm not a scientist anyway.). My concern here is how there is much speculation on what causes Autism (which is understandable). There is naturally going to be a lot of attempts to use such speculation as propaganda for causes both good and not-so-good. I just don't want to see a mindset where people use such information for finger pointing or blame. Autism is enough of a challenge for parents to adjust to I wouldn't want to see more stress put on people from others wondering "What did they do to cause this?".
       A better example of this would be the adds by PETA linking Autism with dairy consumption. Unlike smoking however, milk is something healthy (at least for most people).